What is dyslexia?

Reading Difficulty (Dyslexia), Special Learning Gone of the three types.
Dyslexia, normal or above normal intelligence, any sensory, physical, mental difficulties; It is a difficulty that causes inadequacy in one or more of the areas of reading, writing, mathematics, self-expression, thinking, orienting in time and space.
Dyslexia is a language-based learning disability.
Dyslexia consists of a set of symptoms that individuals have difficulties in special language abilities and certain reading areas.
Students with dyslexia often have difficulties with oral and written language skills. The spelling and pronunciation of words are examples of this situation.
Although the effect of dyslexia is different for each person, the diversity of the situation and the application of an effective improvement method are important in this process.
The main difficulty, called the inability to read words has to do with producing certain sounds.
Some dyslexic individuals can successfully perform reading and spelling tasks in the early period, but difficulties arise as complex language skills become a necessity in their lives in the future. These complex language skills may include processes such as grammar, reading comprehension and article writing.
Although the actual reason for the existence of dyslexia is still unknown, anatomy and neuroimaging studies show that the brains of dyslexic individuals develop and work differently.
Many dyslexic individuals have difficulty in distinguishing the sounds in words and/or learning how the letters correspond to these sounds while speaking. This is one of the main factors in the person's reading difficulties.
Dyslexia is not due to mental retardation or unwillingness to learn.
With appropriate learning methods, dyslexic individuals can learn successfully.
In addition to the marked weakness in the left hand, the slowness of the right hand draws attention. However, as age increases and motor performance is visually supported, those with dyslexia were found to be more proficient in some motor tasks.
They lack perspective and may have bigger problems when painting a bike or clock.
They confuse the terms up-down and right-left.
There is a late start to speech, slow development of speech and inability to gain a full expression ability, clumsiness and defects in fine motor movements, difficulty in establishing hand dominance.
Array memory has latency (such as counting the alphabet, months, days of the week) and visual memory sorting issues.
It is important that high intelligence, early recognition of problems, positive personality, intensive education and training, and stimulating environment are important. Using more than one language at home can be a disadvantage. Frequent school changes are also an important negative factor.
Reading problems improve with age; but they always lag behind their peers.
Many of them are quite unsuccessful in academic terms, but in the future, with special education, the ability to read correctly improves considerably.